Communicating Effectively


Texas Christian University

Cheri J. Simonds, Stephen K. Hunt, Brent K. Simonds

ISBN (ebook): 978-1-68036-475-0

ISBN (print): 978-1-68036-606-8

Communicating Effectively is a brief but comprehensive guide for how to be an effective communicator and public speaker. The authors hope that through this text students will become more competent, confident, ethical communicators and better critical thinkers, as well as becoming more media- and information-literate. The text offers many opportunities to reflect upon and enhance public speaking skills for both academic and professional development and, ultimately, for becoming better citizens in a democracy.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Communication

Chapter 2: Communication Confidence

Chapter 3: Ethical Communication

Chapter 4: Perception and Self Concept

Chapter 5: Choosing Topics

Chapter 6: Analyzing Your Audience

Chapter 7: Locating & Incorporating Supporting Material

Chapter 8: Organizing Ideas

Chapter 9: Outlining the Presentation

Chapter 10: Beginning and Ending the Presentation

Chapter 11: Using Appropriate Language

Chapter 12: Designing Presentation Aids

Chapter 13: Delivering the Presentation

Chapter 14: Communicating in Groups

Chapter 15: Listening

Chapter 16: Understanding Persuasive Principles

Chapter 17: Building Arguments

Chapter 18: Using Communication for the Common Good


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