
Edited by Dana Gierdowski  •  Paul Colby  •  Chelsea Krieg  • Wanda Lloyd  •  Meridith Reed

interTEXTS is a collection of academic work composed by NC State students like you. Students wrote these essays for their first-year writing classes. interTEXTS can help you see examples of the types of assignments you might see in your first-year writing classroom and in writing beyond the first year. By reading interTEXTS, you can also see the caliber of writing and standards held by NC State for academic writing in the first year. This website is designed to help you get the most from this text and point you to other resources that can help you improve your writing.


The essays in interTEXTS represent strong writing and critical and creative thinking, but they aren’t perfect. Rather than using them as models to imitate, we encourage you to think of these compositions as examples to help generate ideas for topics, ways of organizing your writing, and approaches to style and voice. Consider what you can learn from these works to help your own writing process.


As you click through the menu on this website, you will see various resources that can enhance your reading of interTEXTS. “Multimodal Projects” will introduce you to resources and information about composing a text with a combination of different modes: alphabetic text, images, color, video, audio, etc. It also includes examples of multimodal projects completed by students. “Additional Writing Resources” links you to other websites with more helps and tips for improving your writing.


Write on!


