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Arkansas State University

Citation Comparison Chart

In-Text Citations

Print Sources
Author Named in a Signal Phrase
MLA Sedaris recalls, “We rode round and round the block on our pony, who groaned beneath the collective weight of our rich and overwhelming capacity for love and understanding” (9–10).

Sedaris recalls, “We rode round and round the block on our pony, who groaned beneath the collective weight of our rich and overwhelming capacity for love and understanding.”1

1. David Sedaris, Barrel Fever (New York: Little, Brown, 1994), 9–10.

APA Sedaris (1994) recalls, “We rode round and round the block on our pony, who groaned beneath the collective weight of our rich and overwhelming capacity for love and understanding” (p. 9–10).
Author Not Named in a Signal Phrase
MLA “We rode round and round the block on our pony, who groaned beneath the collective weight of our rich and overwhelming capacity for love and understanding” (Sedaris 9–10).

“We rode round and round the block on our pony, who groaned beneath the collective weight of our rich and overwhelming capacity for love and understanding.”1

1. David Sedaris, Barrel Fever (New York: Little, Brown, 1994), 9–10.

APA “We rode round and round the block on our pony, who groaned beneath the collective weight of our rich and overwhelming capacity for love and understanding” (Sedaris, 1994, p. 9–10).
Two or Three Authors

Collins and Blum outline the way socioeconomics and politics outside the university also play a role in instigating the division between “basic” and “normal” writers (14).

The authors outline the way socioeconomics and politics outside the university also play a role in instigating the division between “basic” and “normal” writers (Collins and Blum 14).

CMS Collins and Blum outline the way socioeconomics and politics outside the university also play a role in instigating the division between “basic” and “normal” writers.3
APA Research by Collins and Blum (2000) outlines the way socioeconomics and politics outside the university also play a role in instigating the division between “basic” and “normal” writers (p. 14).
More Than Three Authors

Cincotta et al. assert that the launch of Sputnik expanded the competitive arena between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (68).

Historians assert that the launch of Sputnik expanded the competitive arena between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (Cincotta et al. 68).

Cincotta, Brown, Burant, Green, Holden, and Marshall assert that the launch of Sputnik expanded the competitive arena between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (68).


Cincotta et al. assert that the launch of Sputnik expanded the competitive arena between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.2

2. Howard Cincotta et al., An Outline of American History (Washington D.C.: United States Information Agency, 1994).


For the first use in text, list all author names:

Cincotta, Brown, Burant, Green, Holden, and Marshall (1994) […]

For subsequent entries, use et al.:

Cincotta et al. (1994) assert that the launch of Sputnik expanded the competitive arena between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (p. 68).

Unknown Author
MLA A study determined that subjects lose time when switching from task to task (“Is Multitasking” 3).

A study determined that subjects lose time when switching from task to task.4

Short citation:

4. “Is Multitasking,” 3.

APA A similar study determined that subjects lose time when switching from task to task (“Is Multitasking,” 2001, p. 3).
Work in an Anthology
MLA According to David Bartholomae, students who were less successful at this “invention” were considered basic writers; those who were more successful were not (136).

According to David Bartholomae, students who were less successful at this “invention” were considered basic writers; those who were more successful were not.6

6. David Bartholomae, “Inventing the University,” in When a Writer Can’t Write, ed. Mike Rose (New York: Guilford, 1985). 134–65.

APA According to David Bartholomae (1985), students who were less successful at this “invention” were considered basic writers; those who were more successful were not (p. 136).
MLA A citation is a “quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author.” (“Citation”).

A citation is a “quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author.”10

Use footnote only; does not appear in bibliography.

10. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 5th ed., s.v. “citation.”

APA A citation is a “quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author.” (Citation, 2002).
Electronic Sources
Web Sources

For electronic sources, include the first item (author name, title, etc.) in the Works Cited entry that corresponds to the citation.

Do not include URLs in the text unless absolutely necessary; if included, make the URL as brief as possible, such as rather than

CMS When possible, follow the same guidelines for printed materials. Include all available information, including the URL or, if available, the digital object identifier (DOI), and use the long footnote citation format.

When possible, cite a web document the same as any other document.

If no author or date is given, cite it using the title in the lead-in, or include an abbreviated version of the title in the parenthetical citation, and use the abbreviation “n.d.” (“no date”).

If no page number is available, include information that will help readers find the material being cited. If the paragraphs are numbered, use “para.” and follow with the paragraph number.

MLA Big Fish, directed by Tim Burton, details the extraordinary life of Edward Bloom (2003).

Big Fish, directed by Tim Burton, details the extraordinary life of Edward Bloom.15

15. Big Fish, directed by Tim Burton (2003; Culver City, CA: Sony Home Pictures Entertainment, 2004), DVD.

APA Big Fish, directed by Tim Burton, details the extraordinary life of Edward Bloom (2003).
MLA In Criminal Minds, a suspect awakens from a coma with no memory of having committed the crimes of which he is accused (“Tabula Rasa”).

In Criminal Minds, a suspect awakens from a coma with no memory of having committed the crimes of which he is accused.16

16. Jeff Davis, Dan Sworkin, and Jay Beattie, “Tabula Rasa.” Criminal Minds, season 3, episode 19, directed by Steve Boyum, aired May 14, 2008. (Los Angeles, CA: Paramount, 2010), DVD.

APA In Criminal Minds, a suspect awakens from a coma with no memory of having committed the crimes of which he is accused (“Tabula Rasa”).


Source Citations

General Book Format
MLA Sedaris, David. Barrel Fever. Little, Brown, 1994.
CMS Sedaris, David. Barrel Fever. New York: Little, Brown, 1994.
APA Sedaris, D. (1994). Barrel fever. New York, NY: Little, Brown.
Two or Three Authors
MLA Ward, Geoffrey, Ken Burns, and Kevin Baker. Baseball: An Illustrated History. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1996.
CMS Ward, Geoffrey, Ken Burns, and Kevin Baker. Baseball: An Illustrated History. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1996.
APA Ward, G., Burns, K., & Baker, K. (1996). Baseball: An Illustrated History. New York: Alfred A Knopf, Inc.
More Than Three Authors
MLA Barnes, Sonya, et al. […]
CMS Barnes, Sonya et al. […]

Three to seven authors:

Rubenstein, J., Meyer, D., & Evans, J. (2001). […]

More than seven authors:

Barnes, S., Buchanan, W., Chenn, H., Elrick, H., Graham, J. A., King, D…Law, K. (2008). […]

Unknown Author
MLA Beowulf. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.
CMS Beowulf. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.
APA Beowulf. (2000). New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Author with an Editor
MLA Fielding, Henry. Tom Jones. Ed. Sheridan Baker. […]
CMS Fielding, Henry. Tom Jones, edited by Sheridan Baker. […]
APA Fielding, H. (1973). Tom Jones. S. Baker (Ed.). […]
Editor with no Author
MLA Impossibly Funky: A Cashiers du Cinemart Collection. Ed. M. White. […]
CMS White, M., ed. […]
APA White, M. (Ed.). (2010). Impossibly funky: A Cashiers du Cinemart collection. […]
Author with a Translator
MLA Gide, André. Lafcadio’s Adventures. Trans. D. Bussy. […]
CMS Gide, André. Lafcadio’s Adventures. Translated by Dorothy Bussy. […]
APA Gide, A. (1953). Lafcadio’s adventures. (D. Bussy, Trans.). […]
Work in an Anthology
MLA Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” When a Writer Can’t Write, edited by Mike Rose, Guilford, 1985, pp. 134–65.
CMS Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” In When a Writer Can’t Write, edited by Mike Rose, 134–65. New York: Guilford, 1985.
APA Bartholomae, D. (1985). Inventing the university. In M. Rose (Ed.), When a writer can’t write (pp. 134–165). New York: Guilford.
Encyclopedia/Dictionary Entry
MLA “Citation.” The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. 5th ed., 2002.
CMS In footnotes only.
APA Citation. (2002). In The shorter Oxford English dictionary. (5th ed.).
Articles in Periodicals
MLA Miller, Jeremy. “The Tyranny of the Test: One Year as a Kaplan Coach in the Public Schools.” Harper’s Magazine, 2 Sept. 2008, pp. 35–46.
CMS Miller, Jeremy. “The Tyranny of the Test: One Year as a Kaplan Coach in the Public Schools.” Harper’s Magazine September 2008.
APA Miller, J. (2008, September 2). The tyranny of the test: One year as a Kaplan coach in the public schools. Harper’s Magazine, 35–46.
MLA Timson, Judith. “Stop All That Multitasking, Study Suggests.” The Toronto Star, 7 August 2001, p. E2.
CMS In footnotes only.
APA Timson, J. (2001, August 7). Stop all that multitasking, study suggests. The Toronto Star, p. E2.
MLA Collins, Terence and Melissa Blum. “Meanness and Failure: Sanctioning Basic Writers.” Journal of Basic Writing, vol. 19, no. 1, 2000, pp. 13–21.
CMS Collins, Terence and Melissa Blum. “Meanness and Failure: Sanctioning Basic Writers.” Journal of Basic Writing 19, no. 1 (2000): 13–21.
APA Collins, T. & Blum, M. (2000). Meanness and failure: Sanctioning basic writers. Journal of Basic Writing, 19(1), 13–21.
Electronic Sources
Entire Web Site
MLA National Public Radio. Morning Edition. NPR, 14 January 2014. Accessed 14 Jan. 2014.
CMS National Public Radio. Morning Edition.
APA National Public Radio. (2014, January). Morning edition. Retrieved from NPR web site
Page from a Web Site
MLA Abdullah, Mardziah Hayati. “The Impact of Electronic Communication on Writing.” ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication, 2003. Accessed 13 Oct. 2004.
CMS Abdullah, Mardziah Hayati. “The Impact of Electronic Communication on Writing.” ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication.
APA Abdullah, M. H. (2004, October). The impact of electronic communication on writing. ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication. Retrieved from
Online Book
MLA Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Project Gutenberg, 2013. Accessed 14 Apr. 2014.
CMS Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. London, 1813.
APA Austen, J. (1813). Pride and Prejudice. Project Gutenberg. Retrieved from
Article in an Online Magazine/Newspaper

Remnick, David. “Putin and the Exile.” New Yorker., 28 Apr. 2014.

140428taco_talk_remnick. Accessed 28 Apr. 2014.

CMS Remnick, David. “Putin and the Exile.” New Yorker, April 28, 2014, accessed April 28, 2014,

Remnick, D. (2014, April 28). Putin and the exile. New Yorker. Retrieved



Article in an Online Journal
MLA Soliday, Mary. “From the Margins to the Mainstream: Reconceiving Remediation.” College Composition and Communication vol. 47, no. 1, 1996, pp. 85–100. Accessed 14 Jan. 2014.
CMS Soliday, Mary. “From the Margins to the Mainstream: Reconceiving Remediation.” College Composition and Communication 47, no. 1 (1996): 85–100. Accessed January 14, 2014.
APA Soliday, M. (1996). From the margins to the mainstream: Reconceiving remediation. College Composition and Communication, 47(1). Retrieved from
MLA Big Fish. Directed by Tim Burton, performances by Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Jessica Lange, Billy Crudup, and Marion Cotillard, Columbia, 2003.
CMS Ewan McGregor, Ewan, Albert Finney, Jessica Lange, Billy Crudup, and Marion Cotillard. Big Fish. DVD. Directed by Tim Burton. Culver City: Sony Home Pictures Entertainment, 2004.
APA Cohen, B., Zanuck, R. & Jinks, D. (Producer), & Burton, T. (Director). (2003). Big Fish [Motion picture]. USA: Sony Home Pictures Entertainment.
Television Program
MLA “Tabula Rasa.” Criminal Minds: Season 3, written by Jeff Davis, Dan Sworkin, and Jay Beattie, directed by Steve Boyum, Paramount, 2010.
CMS Davis, Jeff, Dan Sworkin, and Jay Beattie, “Tabula Rasa.” Criminal Minds, season 3, episode 19, directed by Steve Boyum, aired May 14, 2008. (Los Angeles: Paramount, 2010), DVD.
APA Davis, J., Sworkin, D., & Beattie, J. (Writers) & Boyum, S. (Director). (2008).  Tabula rasa. In E.A. Bernero (Producer), Criminal minds. Los Angeles, CA: Paramount.
Sound Recording
MLA Miranda Lambert. “Heart Like Mine.” Revolution. Sony, 2009.
CMS Lambert, Miranda, Revolution, Nashville: Columbia Nashville, CD. Recorded 2009.
APA Howard, T., Lambert, M., & Monroe, A. (2009). Heart like mine [Recorded by Miranda Lambert]. On Revolution [CD]. Nashville, TN: Columbia Nashville.